ponies talk about us

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ah, but don't forget to stop and smell the flowers! After all, half of any journey is the getting there!

What we miss as we race toward the end can often be the most beautiful part of the experience!

So, stop and smell the roses, the violets, the daisys, the mari.... uh, well, you can skip the marigolds - trust me on this one!

Life is all about attitude! It isn't where you're going, but how you get there that makes it all worthwhile!

So, think of how you walk - is it earthbound or do you fly with every step?

Me, I prefer flying - and covering as much ground with as much air as possible!

Try it - you might just find a whole new way of walking through life!

Life is not always what it seems!

It all depends on how you look at it!

For example, some people simply see the obvious,
yet they fail to see the larger picture!

From our perspective here, at the very least, in this case you know the source of the problem - so you don't mind cleaning up the mess.

Just think, if you find this same pile at work, there you may not know where it is coming from and chances are, you definitely do not like the source.

How you deal with life's little piles gives you insight into the future! Now take this particular issue: do you look in disgust, wrinkle your nose now and bemoan the task ahead of you?

How about thinking on the broader scale!

This little problem, given the gift of time can turn into a source of beauty and joy! The "smell" of today's problem becomes the "fragrance" to grace life tomorrow!

And, remember, you could be paying to belong to an athletic club instead of getting all healthy every day as you keep our home clean and comfy!

So, we send you one big Horsie Thank You and we will await yours in return!

Well, I'm the co-owner of this blog and I, too, will have plenty to say about life and how it treats you.

Better yet, I will share with you the secrets of how to treat Life!

We will bring you a unique perspective on what true Joy might be - on how to face Adversity [such as a stone in one's frog], and how to teach your human how to not get in your way!

We are both well-versed in the fine art of Dressage [which means "to teach"].

Now, it takes us Equine scholars seven years to learn all of the maneuvers carrying our human cargo, but it takes the human ten years to learn how not to impede our ability to perform those moves!

Dressage is simply teaching a rider to sit balanced on our backs while we do everything that comes naturally without a rider! We allow you to join us in our play and to become one with us.

We invite you to be us - and once you have felt the magic, there is no going back [to being mere human].

So, won't you join my brudder and me in a look at life through equine eyes?

Forget the saddle - this ride is totally bareback - no bridle, no stirrups, no gimicks... just come and be Horse for a while!

Welcome to my Blog... ok, well, OUR blog - my brudder will be also offering wise words of wisdom as well as my own pearl. So, let's get started.

First, let me explain the rules.

Pony Rules.

1. All horses are Ponies - size is immaterial (unlike for you humans).

2. All horses talk. Humans just don't listen!

3. When we allow you to sit atop us, it is our Gift to you. Appreciate it!

4. When you first meet a horse, you do NOT have to "show us" who's boss. We already know who's boss - WE are!

5. When you do not fall off, it is because we do not LET you fall off!

6. When you fall off, it is because we LET you fall off!

7. If you really want to know the meaning of life, then listen [otherwise get a dog - or better yet, get a cat!]

8. Study great philosophers. They know best. Voltaire said, "If you have no inner balance, you have no right to sit atop the noble Horse and disrupt his".

OK, sit back and learn!